5 Ways To Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Posted on:
5 January 2016
Approximately 285 million people in the world have vision loss, according to the World Health Organization. This fact can be pretty scary, especially if you have a history of eye disease in your family. However, if you start taking better care of your eyes and avoid bad habits, you can reduce your risk of vision loss. Here are five effective ways to keep your eyes in good shape:
Include Nutritious Foods in Your Diet
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Dangers Of Non-Prescription Contact Lenses
Posted on:
9 December 2015
Many online retailers and stores in local malls offer non-prescription lenses for purchase by consumers. These lenses can change the color of the customer's eyes, or make the eye appear larger. These contacts appeal to many customers, as they provide cosmetic benefits without the hassle of a prescription. However, these contacts present dangers to the eyes that can cause severe problems. Due to the dangers posed by these contact lenses, the sale of non-prescription contact lenses has been banned in the United States.
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Over 40: 3 Vision Problems You May Be Facing
Posted on:
16 November 2015
As you age, your body goes through certain changes. Unfortunately, some of those changes occur in the eyes. If you're over 40 years old, your vision might not be what it used to be. Colors might not be as vibrant as they once were. Or, you might need more light to read by. You might have also noticed that night driving is a little more difficult due to the increased glare from headlights.
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Why Is Your Eye Doctor So Concerned About Eye Pressure?
Posted on:
23 October 2015
Have you ever wondered why your eye doctor is so persistent about running tests to measure your eye pressure? What is eye pressure, anyways? The term "eye pressure" actually refers to the pressure inside your eye, and knowing this measurement tells your eye doctor whether you're at risk for a condition called glaucoma. Here's a look at a few more details about eye pressure, glaucoma, and how the two are related.
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